
Family: Araliaceae
Standard Botanical Name: Acanthopanax trifoliatus
Standard Common Name: Tri-leaf Acanthopanax
Author: (L.) Merr
References: [WHO1989, pg 7.33] [PMID: 23798889] Go to serisubuh-agrofarmserisubuh-agrofarm Go to linaherbslinaherbs

Binomial Synonyms

  • Periploca spp. [Science Direct]

Vietnamese Names

  • ngu gia bi gai (ngũ gia bì gai)
  • ngu gia bi hong (ngũ gia bì hương)
  • pop tun (pop tưn)
  • pop dinh (pop dinh [Tày])
  • co nam slu (co nam slư [Thái])

Pinyin Names