ICCP Certifications
The Institute for the Certification of Computer Professionals
(ICCP) offers several certification programs, consisting of a
combination of core and specialty fields.
I have earned the following certifications:
- Associate Computer Professional, C Language (ACP) Certification [lifetime].
- Associate Computer Professional, COBOL (ACP) Certification [lifetime].
- Associate Computer Professional, Ada Language (ACP) Certification [lifetime].
- Certified Computer Programmer (CCP) [expired in 1995].
- Certified Systems Professional (CSP) [expired in 1995].
- Certified Data Processor (CDP) [expired in 1995].
by passing specialty exams in the following areas:
- Communications
- Procedural Programming
- Software Engineering
- Systems Design
- Management
Copyright © 1995
Orville R. Weyrich, Jr.
Last updated: November 27, 2001; Version: 1.7