Abstract: The author explores logical formalisms for representing and reasoning with probabilistic information, with applications to non-monotonic reasoning, probabilities, and knowledge representation.
Keywords: book review, robotics, psychology, statistics, ai, probability, reasoning, probabilistic knowledge, nonmonotonic reasoning, knowledge representation, intelligent systems, logic, inference, degrees of belief, defeasible logic, probabilities, symbolic, mathematical, artificial intelligence.
book cover
Title: Representing and Reasoning with Probabilistic Knowledge: A Logical Approach to Probabilities
Author: Fahiem Bacchus
Publisher: M I T Press
Date Published: February 1991
ISBN: 0262023172
LOCN: QA273.B24 1990
Dewey: 519.2 20
Pages: 233
Bibliography: 132 entries
Footnotes: 96 entries
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Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Propositional Probabilities

Chapter 3: Statistical Probabilities

Chapter 4: Combining Statistical and Propositional Probabilities

Chapter 5: Default Interferences from Statistical Knowledge


Author:        Bacchus, Fahiem.
Title:         Representing and reasoning with probabilistic
                  knowledge : a logical approach to probabilities / Fahiem
Published:     Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, c1990.
Description:   233 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Series:        Artificial intelligence
LC Call No.:   QA273.B24 1990
Dewey No.:     519.2 20
ISBN:          0262023172
Notes:         Includes bibliographical references (p.
                  [219]-227) and index.
Subjects:      Probabilities.
               Logic, Symbolic and mathematical.
               Artificial intelligence.
Series Entry:  Artificial intelligence (Cambridge, Mass.)
Control No.:   90013555 


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