Abstract: An anthropologist presents a study in which the 1989 Chinese People's Movement is analyzed against the background of eight months of anthropological fieldwork in Beijing. The fieldwork began as a study of the dynamics of Chinese state socialist society under the impact of ten years of reform, approaching the problem from the perspective of the common Beijing resident. Pieke established that the increased role of the market economy and the use of personal connections forced Beijing citizens to engage in actions going against the grain of socialist ideology in which many still believed. Ideology and practice had increasingly little to do with each other and a deeply-felt moral crisis of society was the result.
Keywords: book review, international, sociology, Communist Red Mainland China, Tiananmen Square Massacre.
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Title: Ordinary and the Extraordinary: An Anthropological Study of Chinese Reform and the 1989 People's Movement In Beijing
Author: Frank N. Pieke
Publisher: Columbia University Press
Date Published: April 1996
ISBN: 0710305400
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Chapter 1 : The Construction of a Fieldwork Project in the People's Republic of China

Chapter 2 : Anthropology and the Study of Practice

Chapter 3 : The Structure of China's Urban Society

Chapter 4 : Changes and Continuities under the Reforms

Chapter 5 : The Tradition of Protest

Chapter 6 : The People's Movement

Chapter 7 : Conclusion

Appendix : A Short Chronology of the People's Movement, 15 April-24 June 1989




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