Abstract: Interfacing various peripherals to a microcomputer, including CRT's, magnetic recording devices, IEEE-488, serial, and bus.
Keywords: book review, electronics, robotics, programming, IEEE-488, RS-232, RS-449.

Title: Microcomputer Interfacing
Author: Harold S. Stone
Publisher: Addison-Wesley
Date Published: January 1982
ISBN: 0201074036
Pages: 383
Bibliography: 77
Figures: 194
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Instructor's Preface

Reader's Preface

Chapter 1: Microcomputer Structures

Chapter 2: Shielding, Grounding, and Transmission-Line Techniques

Chapter 3: Bus Interconnections

Chapter 4: Memories

Chapter 5: Serial Interfacing

Chapter 6: Parallel Interfacing

Chapter 7: Magnetic-Recording Techniques

Chapter 8: CRT-Controller Design

Chapter 9: Software Development

Appendix A: The ASCII Code

Appendix B: The RS-232-C Standard

Appendix C: The RS-449 Standard

Appendix D: IEEE-488 Interface Messages


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