Abstract: Hundreds of conservative, libertarian, and technical books reviewed in science, technology, humanities, social sciences, and politics. Submit your own review, visit links to related sites, or recommend a new book or link.
Keywords: book reviews, conservative, libertarian, technical, artificial intelligence, business, conspiracy, constitution, database, consulting, economics, electronics, education, entrepreneurial enterprises, environment, fiction, freemasonry, graphics, graphic arts, history, law, legal, international, foreign affairs, internet, management, math, Microsoft windows, music, OS/2, philosophy, programming, politics, psychology, publishing, writing, religion, robotics, science, sociology, software engineering, statistics, survival, UNIX, Viet Nam, Vietnam, year 2000
In this section we present reviews of books on various topics of interest to independent consultants and others who support individual rights and responsibilities, and the free-enterprise system.

Reviews Arranged by Category

Books Reviewed

All reviews are arranged in reverse chronological order, with the most recent at the top:

Books Awaiting Review

Books which are in hand awaiting review, in no particular order:

Books Being Considered for Review

Books which are being considered for review, but are not yet in hand:

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