Abstract: These authors are both well-known senior researchers at AT&T Bell Labs, and this book is based on their actual experiences maintaining, improving, and redesigning AT&T's Internet gateway.
Keywords: book review, unix, internet, security measures, firewalls, computer networks.
book cover
Title: Firewalls and Internet Security: Repelling the Wily Hacker
Author: William R. Cheswick, Steven M. Bellovin
Publisher: Addison-Wesley
Date Published: April 1994
ISBN: 0201633574
LOCN: TK5105.875.I57C44 1994
Dewey: 005.8 20
Pages: 306
Bibliography: 223
Footnotes: 49
Figures: 52
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Part I: Getting Started

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: An Overview of TCP/IP

Part II: Building Your Own Firewall

Chapter 3: Firewall Gateways

Chapter 4: How to Build an Application-Level Gateway

Chapter 5: Authentication

Chapter 6: Gateway Tools

Chapter 7: Traps, Lures, and Honey Pots

Chapter 8: The Hacker's Workbench

Part III: A Look Back

Chapter 9: Classes of Attacks

Chapter 10: An Evening with Berferd

Chapter 11: Where the Wild Things Are: A Look at the Logs

Part IV: Odds and Ends

Chapter 12: Legal Considerations

Chapter 13: Secure Communications Over Insecure Networks

Chapter 14: Where Do We Go From Here?

Appendix A: Useful Free Stuff

Appendix B: TCP and UDP Ports

Appendix C: Recommendations to Vendors


Author:        Cheswick, William R.
Title:         Firewalls and Internet security : repelling the
                  wily hacker / William R. Cheswick, Steven M. Bellovin.
Published:     Reading, Mass. : Addison-Wesley, c1994.
Description:   xiv, 306 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Series:        Addison-Wesley professional computing series
LC Call No.:   TK5105.875.I57C44 1994
Dewey No.:     005.8 20
ISBN:          0201633574 (recycled paper)
Notes:         Includes bibliographical references (p. 257-276)
                  and index.
Subjects:      Internet (Computer network)
               Computer networks -- Security measures.
Other authors: Bellovin, Steven M.
Control No.:   94010747 //r95


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