Abstract: This is a well-documented introduction to the main alternative treatments for cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension, atherosclerosis, arrhythmias, and congestive heart disease.
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Title: Is Your Cardiologist Killing You?
Author: Sherry A. Rogers
Publisher: Prestige Publishing
ISBN13: 9781887202077
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Review by Dr. Weyrich

This is a great little book for health-conscious consumers. The advice in the book is backed up by peer-reviewed scientific studies, but the presentation is one-sided and does not give a fair hearing to the other side of the arguments. However, all in all I would rather try the treatment protocols outlined in the book first, and conventional pharmacological approaches second.

The usual caveat applies - talk to your licensed health care provider before implementing the advice in the book, and especially before discontinuing any pharmaceutical drugs! (Many pharmaceutical drugs have a rebound effect that makes matters worse if abruptly stopped).

The greatest weakness of the book is its confrontational style is not conducive to getting buy-in from conventional medical cardiologists. This makes a great read for the medical consumer, but unfortunately is not likely to engender cooperation from your conventional doctor.

I have taken this program and I highly recommend it to all health-care providers - Orville R. Weyrich, Jr PhD NMD.
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