Abstract: An examination of America's fiscal decline and what can be done about it.
Keywords: book review, economics, budget deficit, national debt.

Title: The Bankrupting of America: How the Federal Budget Is Impoverishing the Nation
Author: David P. Calleo
Publisher: Avon Books
Date Published: March 1993
ISBN: 0380710331
Pages: 301
Bibliography: 90
Footnotes: 310
Figures: 18
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Chapter 1: Introduction: Budget Deficits and National Decline

Chapter 2: Fiscal Deficits: Definitions and Consequences

Chapter 3: Federal Spending Since 1950

Chapter 4: United States Fiscal Policy: An International Perspective

Chapter 5: Taxes and Incomes in the United States

Chapter 6: Financing the Deficit: The International Dimension

Chapter 7: Fiscal Deficits, Public Goods, and the Real Economy

Chapter 8: The Future According to Present Trends

Chapter 9: Decline Revisited

Chapter 10: Rebalancing America

Tables and Graphs


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