Abstract: A radical feminist plays fast and loose with historical data in an attempt to reshape the Fourteenth Amendment into a tool for advancing the progressive leftist cause.
Keywords: book review, constitution, Fourteenth Amendment, 14th amendment.
book cover
Title: Progressive Constitutionalism; Reconstructing the Fourteenth Amendment
Author: Robin West
Publisher: Duke University Press
Date Published: December 1994
ISBN: 0822315254
Pages: 368
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Part I: Equal Protection of the Laws

Chapter 1: Toward an Abolitionist Interpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment

Chapter 2: Equality Theory, Marital Rape, and the Promise of the Fourteenth Amendment

Chapter 3: The Meaning of Equality and the Interpretive Turn

Part II: Due Process of Law

Chapter 4: Reconstructing Liberty

Chapter 5: The Ideal of Liberty

Chapter 6: Toward a First Amendment Jurisprudence of Respect

Part III: Institutional Responsibilities

Chapter 7: Constitutional Skepticism

Chapter 8: The Authoritarian Impulse in Constitutional Law

Chapter 9: Progressive and Conservative Constitutionalism

Chapter 10: The Aspirational Constitution


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