Abstract: Reprints of a variety of original sources and commentaries, both from the point of view of the right to keep and bear arms and from the point of view of gun-control advocates. Includes a discussion of the intent of the Fourteenth Amendment in assuring the right to keep and bear arms to former slaves in the South.
Keywords: book review, constitution, history, RKBA, second fourteenth amendments, 2nd 14th Amendment.
book cover
Title: Gun Control and the Constitution: Sources and Explorations on the Second Amendment
Editor: Robert J. Cottrol
Publisher: Garland Publishing
Date Published: June 1994
ISBN: 0815316666
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Part I: General Introduction

Part II: Introduction to Gun Control and the Constitution

Part III: Court Opinions

Aymette vs. The State

Presser v. Illinois

United States v. Miller et al.

Part IV: Congress

Firearms Owners' Protection Act

Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act

Part V: General Topics

Handgun Prohibition and the Original Meaning of the Second Amendment

The Embarrassing Second Amendment

Arms, Anarchy and the Second Amendment

Part VI: The English Background

Standing Armies and Armed Citizens: An Historical Analysis of the Second Amendment

The Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms: The Common Law Tradition

Part VII: Citizenship, Republicanism, and the Right to Bear Arms

The Ideological Origins of the Second Amendment

An Armed Community: The Origins and Meaning of the Right to Bear Arms

Civic Republicanism and the Citizen Militia: The Terrifying Second Amendment

The Fourteenth Amendment and The Right To Keep and Bear Arms: The Intent of the Framers

The Second Amendment: Toward an Afro-Americanist Reconsideration


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