The meeting was convened at 1:00 PM.
Location: the clubhouse on 601 West Kings Lane, Yuma Arizona
RPAz: Reform Party of Arizona RPUSA: Reform Party USA StateConv: RPAz Convention StateCom: RPAz State Committee ExecCom: RPAz Executive Committee
Chairman Weyrich called the meeting to order at 1:00 PM.
“The State Convention ratifies the emergency nature of this call to convention and approves the agenda of business.”
“The State Committee ratifies the emergency nature of this call to meeting and approves the agenda of business.”
“The Executive Committee ratifies the emergency nature of this call to meeting and approves the agenda of business.”
“In view of the lack of quorum at the gathering of National Committee members meeting in Atlanta on April 23, 2005, the Reform Party of the State of Arizona rejects the validity of the call for convention (to convene in Tampa Florida on June 3, 2005) that was issued by said group meeting in Atlanta.”
“The State Convention authorizes and delegates authority to the State Committee to dissociate or associate with whichever national party organization that the State Committee of the RPAz deems would be in the best interest of the Reform Party of Arizona.”
“The State Convention authorizes the State Committee to make contacts with other third parties in order to explore means to promote cooperation in achieving mutual goals.”
A brain-storming session on the subject of how the RPAz can better cooperate with other parties produced the following ideas, which were ratified by the State Convention, State Committee, and State Executive Committee unanimously with no abstention:
“The RPAz should organize a meeting of all the state chairs of third parties in Arizona.”
“Our opponents are the Democrats and Republicans, not other third parties. We should cooperate with other third parties to carry party-recognition petitions for each other.”
“In order to counter the ‘wasted vote’ syndrome that plagues all third parties, we should combine our efforts with other third parties to implement changes in election law to require a majority vote (rather than plurality vote) to elect any official to public office.”
Flaws in the wording of the By-laws of the RPAz were brought to the attention of the State Committee, and the State Committee unanimously adopted with no abstention the following changes:
“Change ‘and’ to ‘or’ in Article V.6.c”
“Delete ‘(9 total)’ from Article II.1.d”
The following persons were elected by unanimous vote without abstention of the State Convention:
- State Chairperson: Jack Kretzer (term until first convention in 2007).
- State Vice-Chairperson: Rosella Quinn (term until first convention in 2006).
- Secretary: Stanley Lenihan (term until first convention in 2007).
- Treasurer: Dr. Weyrich (term until first convention in 2006).
- At-Large/NatCom: Dr. Weyrich (term until first convention in 2007).
- At-Large/NatCom: Nico Degroot (term until first convention in 2006).
Left to Right: Nico Degroot, Jack Kretzer, Rosella Quinn, Dr. Weyrich, Stanley Lenihan, Rodney Martin |
Congressional District Caucuses of the RPAz members from each district elected the following delegates to National Conventions:
- Dr. Weyrich (CD 5)
- Rosella Quinn (CD 6)
- Rodney Martin (CD 7)
[Note: No additional members expressed interest in being a delegate at this time. The State Committee can fill alternate, at-large, and vacant delegate slots at a later date].
Rodney Martin requested permission to represent the RPAz on the RPUSA Issues Committee, and was so authorized unanimously with no abstention by the State Convention, State Committee, and State Executive Committee.
The State Convention, State Committee, and State Executive Committee ratified as Provisional Chairperson of their respective counties the following persons (who had previously expressed interest in the positions, although not in attendance at this meeting):
- Glen Wright (Yavapai County)
- Scott Malcomson (Maricopa County)
[Note: the persons in these positions are charged with party building and organizing elections of county officers within their own counties. Provisional County Chairpersons do not have a vote on the State Committee.]
The Myth of Comparative Advantage: Dr. Weyrich discussed the problems of free trade and a long-term solution. |
Illegal Immigration as a State Issue: Mr. Rodney Martin discussed the economy, regulation, and illegal immigration from the unique perspective of a lifetime resident of Yuma, having worked in the fields and with the Tribes along the border that are dealing with the negative impacts of illegal immigration. |
Minutes recorded by Daniel Weyrich
Ratified by Dr. Weyrich, Jack Kretzer, Stan Lenihan, Rodney Martin