United States Constitution
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- Preamble
- Article 1
- Legislative Branch
- Article 2
- Executive Branch
- Article 3
- Judicial Branch
- Article 4
- The States
- Article 5
- Amending the Constitution
- Article 6
- National Government
- Article 7
- Ratification
- Amendment 1
- First: Intellectual Freedom, Press, Religion, Speech
- Amendment 2
- Second: Right to Keep and Bear Arms, RKBA, Guns
- Amendment 3
- Third: Quartering
- Amendment 4
- Fourth: Privacy and Property Rights
- Amendment 5
- Fifth: Due Process, Property Rights, and Takings
- Amendment 6
- Sixth: Criminal Trials
- Amendment 7
- Seventh: Civil Trials
- Amendment 8
- Eighth: Punishments
- Amendment 9
- Nineth: Other Rights Retained by the People
- Amendment 10
- Tenth: Rights Retained by the States and the People
- Amendment 11
- Reduction of Federal Court Jurisdiction
- Amendment 12
- Selection of President and Vice-President
- Amendment 13
- Emancipation
- Amendment 14
- Rights of United States Citizenship
- Amendment 15
- Voting Rights
- Amendment 16
- Income Tax
- Amendment 17
- Election of Senators
- Amendment 18
- Prohibition
- Amendment 19
- Women's Suffrage
- Amendment 20
- Lame Duck
- Amendment 21
- Repeal Prohibition
- Amendment 22
- Limit President to 10 Years
- Amendment 23
- District of Columbia
- Amendment 24
- Poll Tax
- Amendment 25
- Presidential Succession
- Amendment 26
- Voting at Age 18
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Historic document in the public domain; Annotations Copyright © 1999 Daniel Weyrich.
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